3 great reasons to practice yoga

We speak about yoga as a tool to feel better and improve our health and lifestyle. But how and why?

Yoga may be different for everyone, but throughout our yoga journey, practicing and teaching, we have been able to observe 3 great reasons to practice yoga:

Yoga helps you live in the present moment

First of all, yoga reminds you to breathe! Yoga exercises the body through asanas (postures) but it also helps you experience emotional well-being and connection to your essential self through the breath. It is the way to connect your body, mind, and spirit. As one of our great yoga teachers said: “Practicing asanas without breathing is not really yoga..”  It is the union of all that will brings you automatically back to the present moment. The more you can connect with your breath, the clearer you think and become present even in difficult situations.

Yoga has many physical benefits

Practicing yoga will impact your body no matter which styles you practice. Dynamic yoga styles such as Ashtanga, Power, Rocket, Hot or Vinyasa yoga will definitely strengthen and tone your body. It will also help you bend deeper and improve your flexibility. Other forms of yoga may develop patience, intuition, and self-awareness. It can help you relieve chronic pain and act as a full body workout. It will definitively help you to gain more mobility, bringing more ease to your movement. Various yoga poses allow our organs to perform their natural detoxification process and depending on the styles, it will help tremendously with weight management bringing mindfulness to the way we eat and the way we see our body. We realize that our body is capable of so many miraculous things.

Yoga helps you to be less stress and improve your quality life

Yes! Having a constant yoga practice will help you manage stress or anxiety. It will impact the quality of your sleep and help you to concentrate better. Physical activity and mental relaxation improve our way of living and being. Through the practice, you will observe your body, breath, and emotions and be more mindful and aware of your inner-self. Our mat is a safe place to clear our mind and develop an attitude of gratitude and “letting go”.

It will help us develop the intention of getting rid of anything that doesn’t serve us in our life!